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  • “Medicare approved providers will not service my father’s power wheelchair”Post Date: Wed 4/16/2014
    Exasperated, Marky called our Medicare Beneficiary Complaint Hotline today at 1:40 pm. She informed us she has been working hard to locate a provider to service her father’s power wheelchair in New Orleans, but has been unsuccessful. She called three Medicare approved equipment providers and none could help her. 

    • Provider one told Marky they were unable to service her father’s power wheelchair, because they didn’t have enough ‘man-power’ to do so. 
    • Provider two told Marky that they could not service the powerchair, because her father didn’t purchase his chair from them.
    • Provider three has been missing in action. Marky has called multiple times, left multiple messages, and hasn’t received a call back yet. 
      “If they have a Medicare contract they need to be able to perform,” said Marky.  We couldn’t agree more! If providers receive contracts to provide medical equipment to patients, they need to be held accountable to deliver. 

    Unfortunately, Marky’s father is the one who is hurt the most by these Medicare policies.  While Marky continues to get ran around, her dad will be waiting with a broken power wheelchair in New Orleans. 

    Seniors do not deserve this!  Stand up for beneficiaries like Marky’s dad and tell your legislators that this is not right. Voice your concern
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